Find pleasure

When stress makes you feel bad, do something that makes you feel good. Doing things you enjoy is a natural way to fight off stress.

You don’t have to do a lot to find pleasure. Even if you’re ill or down, you can find pleasure in simple things such as going for a drive, chatting with a friend or reading a good book.

Try to do at least one thing every day that you enjoy, even if you only do it for 5 minutes. Such as:

  1. Start an art project (oil paint, sketch, create a scrap book or finger paint with children/grandchildren).
  2. Take up a hobby, new or old.
  3. Read a favorite book, short story, magazine or newspaper.
  4. Have coffee or a meal with friends.
  5. Play golf, tennis, ping-pong or bowl.
  6. Sew, knit or crochet.
  7. Listen to music during or after you practice relaxation.
  8. Take a nature walk — listen to the birds, identify trees and flowers.
  9. Make a list of everything you still want to do in life.
  10. Watch an old movie on TV or rent a video.
  11. Play cards or board games with family and friends.