“I believe taking time out of our busy work schedules to find something that eases our minds from the daily grind is essential to total wellness.”

I consider myself as being an active person on a regular basis. In fact, a week before the 10-minute challenge began I completed my first full marathon. As I was letting my body recover from the many miles I ran I also let myself indulge in some not-so-healthy foods. I thought why not treat myself for burning all those calories! Well, I started to abuse my privilege in indulgence and would eat donuts for breakfast, candy for snacks and greasy-savory foods for dinner. Once or twice won’t hurt but when it became a habit I knew something needed to change. I know myself and my eating habits so I went to the grocery store and strategized meals for the rest of the week that I could prepare and bring to work with me. This helps me stay away from buying fast food and spending unnecessary money.

At the office, my co-workers and I challenged each other to a hydration competition. We make it a point to fill our water bottles up at least three times per day. In addition to hydrating we took some of our informal staff meetings outside while walking around the block. We tend to stay at our computers all day but a change of scenery and fresh air was a total game changer! I believe taking time out of our busy work schedules to find something that eases our minds from the daily grind is essential to total wellness. Whatever it may be, identify that activity and practice it daily!
