“I can take small incremental steps towards healthier habits 10 minutes at a time!”

With so many distractions filling already busy lives with elections, holidays, changing seasons, etc., the needle for changing my less than healthy habits into better ones moves into the extreme zone this time of year. I know it should be done. I know it could be done, but the how? Enter the 10 Minute challenge, right smack dab in the middle of it all.

This little exercise of filling in a log for 2 weeks, taking a few minutes to read some new tips and ideas, and the charge of the expectation of receiving the prize at the finish, worked for me. I was a fun way to focus on my goal of better choices. Maybe I can’t rearrange my schedule to get to the gym right now, but I can take small incremental steps towards healthier habits 10 minutes at a time!

Thank you for the invitation to participate. I will take this reminder with me now that the challenge is officially over, to continue to make healthy choices even if only for a few minutes at a time.
