Plan your time

One of the biggest stressors for many people is lack of time. Their to-do list expands, while time flies. We all have the same 168 hours in a week, let’s use them the best way possible!

  1. Keep a to-do list: keep track of your daily list of tasks that need to be done, refer to it and update it regularly. Write down deadlines, emphasize key points.
  2. Prioritize: think ahead about how you are going to use your time. Figure out what’s most important – then do that thing first. Be realistic and set achievable goals.
  3. Break down tasks: if a task has multiple parts, break it down into those so you can accomplish them one step at a time.
  4. Develop a routine: try to do the same daily tasks at the same time each day, it will then become a regularly “scheduled” habit.
  5. Take regular breaks: get up and move around for a little bit every hour or so just to refresh you mind!
  6. Ask for help: Contact Carebridge WorkLife specialists, they can assist with more time management guidance/assistance.