Become Stronger Together: Resistance Bands Class with Kim Loucy
Of the 38 participants surveyed, 94% strongly agree or agree the class helped improve their overall wellbeing. 100% believed it was time well spent.
- I thoroughly enjoyed this class and I thought the length of time was great, not too long or not too short. I would love to see offered similar classes with maybe different exercises as well.
- This was a fun, informative session. I greatly enjoyed it. Kim is excellent. She is very personable and knowledgeable. I would love for this to be a series (esp with Kim leading).
- The class was very creative. I found it very helpful! Thank you!
- I really enjoy the ‘lunch-time’ exercise classes!! It is a great way to move towards a healthier lifestyle.
Read It Before You Eat It with Gail Grozalis
Of the 17 participants surveyed, 100% strongly agree or agree the class helped improve their overall wellbeing. 100% believed it was time well spent.
- Great session and got out of it what I was hoping for, would recommend to others.
- Gail Grozalis is one of the reasons I enjoy the Wellness workshops. She’s informative and a wealth of information. Thank you Gail.
- The information was wonderful and the presenter was very engaging. I think a lot of the stuff was review for me.
- Gail was great! Even shared with us some of her favorite health bars.
Attitude of Gratitude Challenge
Of the 62 participants surveyed, 79% strongly agree or agree the challenged helped improve their overall wellbeing. 95% believe it was time well spent.
- I very much enjoyed participating in this challenge exercise. It has brought me more awareness of everything in my daily life that I am grateful and thankful for.
- I enjoyed the challenge very much and encouraged by able to do it on my own time. I love journals and downloaded an app for my phone. Thanks for the experience. Happy Thanksgiving.
- I noticed a decrease in my daily anxiety because I would remind myself of the weekly focus for the challenge. Focusing on something I am grateful for versus something that I’m worried or upset about made me feel happier. I hope to use the skills I learned during this challenge everyday.
- This was a fun and great way to make time to write about how important people are to me and how I am feeling that day. Something as an adult we don’t indulge in making time for ourselves.
Heart Healthy Living Series with the Wellness Team
Of the 13 participants surveyed, 100% strongly agree or agree they learned something to help improve their overall wellbeing. 90% believed it was time well spent.
- This was a great series to get me back on track. Another series delving deeper into these topics would keep me on track and enable me to grow, develop good habits.
- I just think the department does an excellent job is presenting seminars pertaining to overall health. So Thank you.
- I attended all three sessions and found them to be very useful. The presenters were very knowledgeable and clearly professionals in their fields. It’s difficult to find time to go to presentations like this, even during lunch, so I deeply appreciate that the events were so well put together. I hope the program will continue to put on similar events!
- Presenters very pleasant and knowledgeable. It was a very good series that was down to earth and easy to understand. I hope there will be more series like this.
Stretch and Breathe with Gretchen Darrow-Crotty
Of the 15 participants surveyed, 100% rated stretch and breathe as excellent or very good. 93% would be interested in participating in another stretch and breathe or yoga class.
- Fabulous program, please repeat! I would also be interested in a longer session, maybe 5pm?
- I just loved the session I attended. I wish I could do this every day
- Perfect start time at 12:10. Pacing and length of time is perfect for me.
- It was exactly what I expected but I found myself not taking advantage of the relaxation and my mind wandered to tasks so probably not for me. I understand why it would be good for others and the intent for sure!
Retirement Planning sessions with TIAA Financial Consultant Molly Amos
Of the 52 participants surveyed, 88% rated the presentation as excellent or very good. 90% reported they would attend another presentation with Molly Amos.
- Thank you for this presentation – Molly was great! I especially appreciated the handouts and the introduction to online resources that we can utilize on our own time to gain more information.
- Molly was an excellent presenter. Financial planning is such an unknown area for me and she made everything simple and easy to understand. I appreciate that.
- It’s always good to hear on your retirement plans. I have heard it before, but you never know if things change or if you will hear something new.
- I like the addition of the workbook to reinforce and be a reference for what was talked about during the seminar.
Winter Running 101 with Fleet Feet Coach Brendan Jackson
Of the 22 participants surveyed, 100% rated the presentation as excellent or very good. 100% rated the instructor as excellent or very good. 96% of participants would recommend the presentation to others.
- Great to have a quick and thorough presentation like this. I think everyone walked away knowing a bit more about how to work with their own preferences and desires.
- Brendan was an engaging speaker. I found his talk to be valuable. Because he only had a limited amount of time, I recommend that this be give as a 3 session talk.
- Brendan was very clever with his humor and had a very friendly personality. He informed us about training, techniques and helpful products for winter running.
- Never did it seem as though he was pushing us to buy products or sign up for anything at Fleet Feet, which I thought was refreshing!
Tai Chi with the Taoist Tai Chi Society
Of the 18 participants surveyed, 94% of rated the tai chi series as excellent or very good. 94% of participants rated the instructor as excellent or very good. 88% of participants would be interested in continuing with tai chi.
- This class was the highlight of my week! Steve & David were awesome instructors and Frank and Carol, and Cindy who helped demonstrate moves were great, as were the others.
- I thought the class was great! Noticeable stress management/reduction.
- I really enjoyed the class, I found it a nice relaxing activity to de-stress a bit mid-day.
- I enjoyed taking the Friday class during my lunch period as a way to end the work week. I’ve been wanting to start learning Tai Chai, so I was happy that it was offered this Fall.
Save More, Stress Less presentation with Derek Brainard
Of the 26 participants surveyed, 90% rated the presentation as excellent or very good. 94% would attend a future financial-related presentation with Derek Brainard.
- The presentation helped me get a sense of where I should be headed, financially.
- I have a better idea of how to set goals and objectives and make them obtainable.
- I met with TIAA the next day and had a budget sheet ready and actually sounded intelligent, using the basic guidelines and handout that were provided at Derek’s presentation.
- I loved attending the Save More, Stress Less presentation that Derek gave. It was upbeat, serious, and funny all at once.
Fit Fitness into Your Workday presentation with SU adjunct professor Maggie Thomson
Of the 20 participants surveyed, 100% rated the presentation as excellent or very good. 100% rated the instructor as excellent or very good. 100% would attend a future fitness-related presentation with Maggie Thomson.
- I have been using the tips learned at the session every day.
- Yes! I am more aware of not just sitting still at my desk during the day and have used many of the tips Maggie suggested. I shared the information with others in my office that were not able to attend.
- I liked the interaction, which I did not anticipate. I liked that the entire presentation was brief, yet very informative. It was the perfect amount of information and the perfect amount of time.
- Thank you for making this interactive. It’s easier to retain the info when we actually do the exercises with you.
Yoga Foundations with Wellness Champion Laura Mikols
Of the 24 participants surveyed, 92% of rated the yoga class as excellent or very good. 92% of participants rated the instructor as excellent or very good. 95% of participants would be interested in continuing lunchtime yoga.
- I’ve taken several yoga classes and Laura’s has been, by far, my favorite. She is the best yogi I’ve ever learned from, and what she taught us will stick with me. I’ve enjoyed the classes so very much! She really wanted to enhance our practice, and pushed us to do better. I’m so thankful that this class has been available, and hope it continues to be.
- The yoga classes were great. Laura was enthusiastic and conscious of everyone’s level of experience. It was great to have the opportunity of joining the class, and I look forward for more classes!
- The time slot was excellent – 12:15 – 12:45. Made it easy to get to the gym and back to the office on my lunch hour.
Good Form presentation with Fleet Feet coach Mandy Howard
Of the 31 participants surveyed, 100% rated the presentation as excellent or very good. 100% rated the instructor as excellent or very good. 94% of participants would recommend the presentation to others.
- I thought it was a great presentation and learned information that I have already implemented and seen better results with my running.
- I’m an experienced runner and found this very valuable. Mandy was a great presenter!
- Appreciated the initiative to bring an outside expert in and thought the practice run immediately after was a nice opportunity to test what was learned.
- Great presentation – very informative – something I’ve always wanted to learn more about. Would love to have more of these types of sessions.